Expect to Feel Welcomed.
You can expect to meet people who don’t have it all together. We’re not perfect people. We’re imperfect people who have found hope in Jesus Christ. When you visit, we won’t expect you to be perfect and have all together either.
You can expect to meet people who care about you. Your visit will not be an intrusion. You will be greeted - but not mobbed and bothered - by people who will be glad to see you. In fact, we hope you will plan on enjoying a cup of coffee with us when the service is finished. That’s something we do every Sunday before we return home.
You can expect some help along the way. We are aware that visiting a church may be a bit intimidating to some…a nervous experience filled with a lot of unknowns. Don’t worry we will not look down on you because you don’t know what to do. Instead we will be ready and willing to assist you and answer any questions you may have.
You can expect to be a part of a worship service that includes refreshing music, times of prayer, Bible reading, a sermon, and a time to enjoy one another’s company at the close of the service. Our goal is not to entertain people, but worship God in spirit and truth and to encourage one another in our faith in Jesus Christ (John 4:24; Hebrews 10:23-25).
Expect God to give you hope. Whoever you are, whatever you’re facing, and wherever you come from, God’s Word, His grace, and love through the person of Jesus Christ will make a huge difference.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Is there anything for my kids?
Yes there is. We provide nursery care and Sunday school classes for children.
Our nursery is available for young ones from newborn to three years old. If your children are between the ages of 4-6 years old, they will enjoy our pre-school class. We also have a primary Sunday school class for those who are between the ages of 7-12 years old.
All of our volunteers are well-trained and love the children they minister to each week.
2. What should I wear?
Some of us dress in the traditional, “Sunday best.” Others dress a little more casual. It’s your choice…”Sunday best” or casual.